Parallel Dimensions Apps

Gridder - Coordinate Converter 0.9
Gridder Coordinate Conversion SoftwareGRIDDER is a utility for conversion of geographicalcoordinatesbetween a range of projections and datums. A range ofVictorian Mapproducts are also included for conversion to and from.Gridder supports the following map projections and datums.TheInput and Output sections of Gridder support a subset ofthecomplete set of maps and datums.MapsAMGMGAGEO-dmsGEO-dmdGEO-decGrid Ref1:250001:1000001:250000VICMAPES-MapVicRoadsMelwaysDatumAGD66AGD84GDA94WGS84The premium features of live location, address geocoding andmapdisplay add to the functionality of Gridder.Live My Location constantly updates the Input position,theconverted Output, any matching street addresses and moves themapdisplay to the coordinate.The Address output searches the online geo-coded streetaddressdatabase to display the address details of the convertedoutputlocation.The Map display places a marker on the map from theOutputlocation and moves the map to that position.